Thursday Night Raw
In this segment, Matt & Chris take suggestions from listeners of the rawest moments in comics, and, if they are sufficiently raw, place them on a list. What do they mean by Raw? Chris explains:
"Folks, what we are doing with this is we are looking for the rawest moments in comic book history. Now, if you don't know what that means, it's one of those things that's hard to describe because it's a feeling, And it's that feeling, it's that 'oh shit,' like it just got real, it just popped off. Shit is like someone just did something so badass that I need to stand up, take a walk, maybe do a push up or two."
That seems pretty clear, right? But additionally, Chris stated that Judge Dredd saying, "Gaze into the fist of Dredd" as he punches through Judge Fear's head is "archetypically raw."
If you want to submit your suggestion, send it to, and if you are a Patreon subscriber, include the line-stepper password. To edit this page, refer to the Google Sheet.
The List
Episode | Description | Issue | Creators | Submitter |
697 | Skull Knight crashes through the eclipse. | Berserk v.13 | Kentaro Miura | Daniel Sylvester |
626 | Skurge stands alone at Gjallerbru | Thor #362 | Walt Simonson | Patrick Gertner |
682 | Magneto vs. Tarn / Sunspot vs. Iska | X-Men Red #3 | Al Ewing, Stefano Casselli | Lou Shoemaker |
673 | Batman digs his way out of his own grave | Batman #681 | Grant Morrison, Tony Daniel | Ryan Bielik |
691 | The Golden Age Human Torch murders Hitler and Hitler's a real fuckin' crybaby about it | Young Men #24 | Hank Chapman, Russ Heath, Carl Burgos | Lou Shoemaker |
709 | Become the ruling body, dude. | Achewood (March 20, 2006) (Inclusive of March 21's Christian Brothers bottle molotov cocktail. | Inclusive of March 21's Christian Brothers bottle molotov cocktail. | Matthew Berneus |
666 | "Are you man or fiend from hell?!" | Batman #244 | Denny O'Neil, Neal Adams | J. Gonzo |
623 | Gordon gives Flass the Baseball Bat | Batman #404 | Frank Miller, Dave Mazzucchelli | Chris (Started at #1) |
654 | Wolverine saying "You had your chance, now it's MY turn." | Uncanny X-Men #132 | Chris Claremont, John Byrne | Lou Shoemaker |
660 | "It was a nice piece of work, Kingpin. You shouldn't have signed it." | Daredevil #227 | Frank Miller, Dave Mazzucchelli | Steve Lee |
640 | Magneto puts the Red Skull in a fuckin' hole | Captain America (1963) #367 | Mark Gruenwald, Kieron Dwyer | Philip Monroe |
697 | Batman shoots Darkseid with a god bullet. | Final Crisis #6 | Grant Morrison, JG Jones | Chris Kizer |
715 | The first time Kenshiro says "You are already dead." | Fist of the North Star Ch. 1 | Buronson, Tetsuo Harada | Ashley Stephen |
715 | "You brought a you to a me fight." | Sexcastle | Kyle Starks | Joe Giomarco |
691 | Storm stabs Callisto in a damn knife fight. | Uncanny X-Men #170 | Chris Claremont, Paul Smith | Greg Packnett |
711 | Ogami Itto making Daigoro choose between the sword and the ball. | Lone Wolf & Cub vol. 1 | Kazuo Koike | Crawling Deadman |
709 | Does it need doing? Then it will be done. | Powers of X #2 | Jonathan Hickman, RB Silva | Peter Swanson |
695 | Hellboy snaps off his horns and says "screw you, kill me if you can." | Hellboy: Wake the Devil | Mike Mignola | Patrick O'Duffy |
685 | Wonder Woman blinds herself with medusa snake venom and wins. | Wonder Woman #210 | Greg Rucka, Drew Johnson | Greg Packnett |
684 | Trunks whips Frieza's ass in front of Frieza's own dad | Dragon Ball Z - Android Saga | Akira Toriyama | Owen |
685 | God Doom pulls all of Thanos's bones out. | Secret Wars (2015) #8 | Jonathan Hickman, Esad Ribic | Dan Black |
703 | Nightcrawler and Wolverine teleport into the sun to beat Mother Mold | House of X #4 | Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz | Kevin McClaine |
682 | . . . | G.I. Joe #21 | Larry Hama, Steve Leialoha | Scott Hazelwood |
? | "Gaze into the fist of Dredd!" | Judge Death Lives | John Wagner, Brian Bolland | Ian Muir & Patrick O'Duffy |
673 | Son Goku punches a god damned hole through Demon King Piccolo's torso | Dragon Ball ch. 168 | Akira Toriyama | Rocket Wetzel |
684 | Thor hits the Midgard Serpent so hard that he breaks every bone in his own fucking body | Thor #380 | Walt Simonson, Sal Buscema | Rocket Wetzel |
673 | Batman fucks up the mayor's dinner and puts a cloche down on a flaming dessert. | Batman #405 | Frank Miller, Dave Mazzucchelli | Brad Ellison |
685 | Nova punches Annihilus in his face and pulls his guts out. | Annihlation #6 | Keith Giffen, Andrea DeVito | Ryan Bielik |
697 | KGBeast cuts his own damn hand off like an absolute freak. | Batman #419 | Jim Starlin, Jim Aparo | Scott Medlock |
666 | Anton Arcane finds out how long he's been in hell. | Swamp Thing Annual #2 | Alan Moore, Steve Bisette | Mike Sterling |
649 | "You better fight like hell." | Preacher #64 | Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon | Brad Ellison |
626 | Balder takes up the sword (and confronts Loki) | Thor #344 | Walt Simonson | Lucas Brown |
662 | Taaia faces "impossible odds -- and impossible gods!" to become the Phoenix | Defenders Beyond #2 | Al Ewing, Javier Rodriguez | Isabel |
660 | Batman tuns a mud pit into an operating table. | The Dark Knight Returns #2 | Frank Miller | Chris Kizer |
662 | "I'm not trapped in here with you. You're trapped in here with me." | Watchmen #6 | Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons | David Wood |
666 | Dr. Doom gives Dr. Strange a gizmo as part of a secret plan to beat the devil. | Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment | Roger Stern, Mike Mignola | Derek Allen |
631 | Captain UK annihilates the Fury | Mighty World of Marvel #12 | Alan Moore, Alan Davis | Kevin Maroney |
640 | Spider-Man lifts a heavy thing, escapes Doc Ock's underwater base | Amazing Spider-Man (1963) | Stan Lee, Steve Ditko | Scott Hazelwood |
711 | Batman to Darkseid: Everything you own. I'm taking it all. Look up. | JLA #14 | Grant Morrison, Howard Porter | John Sung |
649 | Cobra Sun and Lona Steelrose hit the Steel Sunrise on God and make Him bleed. | Do a Powerbomb #7 | Daniel Warren Johnson | Stephen Wilcox |
666 | Constantine makes the devil drink holy water. | Hellblazer #42 | Garth Ennis, Will Simpson | Maggie Robothem |
682 | Dr. Doom completely sons the Purple Man. | West Coast Avengers: Emperor Doom | David Michelinie, Bob Hall | Robert Headley |
623 | Thanos asks Ben Grimm what time it is. | Siege (2015) #4 | Kieron Gillen, Felipe Andrade | Harry J. |
637 | Cobra Sun pulls out the plunder. | Do a Powerbomb #4 | Daniel Warren Johnson | David LaRoss |
626 | Mr. Miracle stabs Darkseid to death with a knife made of god blood. | Mister Miracle #12 | Tom King, Mitch Gerads | Chris Kizer |
? | Gohan goes Super Saiyan 2 | Dragon Ball Z - Cell Saga | Akira Toriyama | Daniel Sylvester |
631 | Batman vs. Prometheus, Round 2 | JLA (1997) #38 | Grant Morrison, Howard Porter | Tim Stevens |
660 | Jesse Custer fights Jody | Preacher #12 | Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon | Kevin McClaine |
695 | Instead, I will simply... BREAK YOU. | Batman #497 | Doug Moench, Jim Aparo | Isobel |
662 | "Here is your hero. Your protector. Take him and bury him." | Detective Comics #664 | Chuck Dixon, Graham Nolan | Patrick O'Duffy |
? | Magneto fatally attracts Wolverine's adamantium out of his body | X-Men (1991) #25 | Fabian Nicieza, Andy Kubert | Ted Anderson |
702 | Diamondback gets revenge on Snapdragon by drowning her in a fountain | Captain America (1963) #413 | Mark Gruenwald, Rik Levins | Jolene |
703 | Scrooge flips out and fights all the animals in the Transvaal | Uncle Scrooge | Don Rosa | David from Norway |
702 | Bruce Wayne beats the dogshit out of three Nazis in prison. | Batman #599 | Ed Brubaker, Scott McDaniel | Ryan Clark |
685 | Gesicht shoots a rocket out of the air because he can't shoot the dude. | Pluto vol. 5 | Naoki Urasawa | Patrick O'Duffy |
691 | American Barbarian wants R-E-V-E-N-G-E-!-!-! | American Barbarian OGN | Tom Scioli | Nick Whelan |
666 | "I'm surprised the Son of Satan forgot what they did to the Son of God." | Batman #666 | Grant Morrison, Andy Kubert | Kevin Mayo |
649 | Ghost Rider beats the Deacon to death with the Bible | Ghost Rider #25 | Jason Aaron, Tan Eng Huat | Ryan Clark |
637 | Batman to Martians: "Ready when you are." | JLA (1997) #3 | Grant Morrison, Howard Porter | Patrick O'Duffy |
666 | Doctor Strange sends a man to Hell and then tells Johnny Storm that God and the Devil are the same thing and there is no Heaven because it's all just hell. | Marvel Team-Up #25 | Gerry Conway, Sal Buscema | CJ Crall |
711 | Superman burns Mongul. | Superman Annual #11 | Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons | David Wynn |
695 | Dr. Doom steals the Beyonder's power | Secret Wars #10 | Jim Shooter, Mike Zeck | Ted Anderson |
711 | Batman leaves a note for Doctor Hurt that says "gotcha." | Batman & Robin #15 | Grant Morrison, Frazer Irving | Einar Másson |
640 | Ghost Rider rides Thor's hammer and kicks him in the face with his motorcycle | Avengers (1963) #214 | Jim Shooter, Bob Hall | David Wood |
623 | Lockheed rips out Sebastian Shaw's fucking eye and spits it in a fire | Marauders #16 | Gerry Dugan, Stefano Caselli | Charles Arthur |
644 | Sparky the Good Dog drives a car into a cop | Dead of Winter #4 | Kyle Starks, Gabo Bautista | Philip Neff |
715 | Kamen Rider stabs Bat-Man with a crucifix-shaped gravestone. | Kamen Rider vol. 1 | Shotaro Ishinomori | Austin Wilden |
709 | Silver Surfer surfs the moon into Galactus | Silver Surfer (2014) #9 | Dan Slott, Mike Allred | Philip Neff |
702 | Hulk tells Black Bolt he didn't come to the moon for a whisper. | World War Hulk #1 | Greg Pak, John Romita Jr. | Sean Bell |
673 | Punisher klang-klang-klang-klang-klang-skwitches Dr. Doom | Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe | Garth Ennis, Doug Braithwaite | Sean Bell |
637 | Jetman tells Smax "Break her fucking neck, son." | Top Ten #10 | Alan Moore, Gene Ha, Zander Cannon | Tim Maytom |
631 | Daredevil declares himself Kingpin | Daredevil (1998) #50 | Brian Bendis, Alex Maleev | Ryan Clark |
637 | Moon Knight makes sure Man-Mountain Marko won't see his daughter. | Devil's Reign: Moon Knight | Jed MacKay, Frederico Sabbatini | Martin |
644 | THE "GLORY BOAT!!" | New Gods #6 | Jack Kirby | Nick Whalen |
623 | Phantom Lady throws a fencing sword through a man. | Police Comics #21 | Frank Borth | Jolene |
637 | Luffy gives Nami his hat, goes to fight Arlong | One Piece Ch. 81 | Eiichiro Oda | Robert Headley |
637 | Professor X puts Sabretooth in a hole. | House of X #6 | Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz | Ryan Clark |
666 | Hellboy beats the Crooked Man to death with a blessed shovel. | Hellboy: The Crooked Man #3 | Mike Mignola, Richard Case | Brad Ellison |
666 | John Constantine tricks three devils into saving his life. | Hellblazer #45 | Garth Ennis, Will Simpson | Patrick O'Duffy |
709 | Clea ain't from around here (and turns a man into bones) | Strange #1 | Jed MacKay, Marcelo Ferreira | Jason Ladew |
703 | The Champion didn't beat the Thing. He'll never beat the Thing. | Marvel Two-In-One Annual #7 | Tom DeFalco, Ron Frenz | Patrick O'Duffy |
644 | Catwoman whips Prometheus right in the beanbag | JLA #17 | Grant Morrison, Arnie Jorgensen | Jolene |
711 | Green Arrow and the Atom kill Darkseid. | JLA #15 | Grant Morrison, Howard Porter | Matt Brady |
644 | Captain America grows to kaiju size to fight Kang, who is a miserable little jacked-up tin Hitler | Avengers (1998) #52 | Kurt Busiek, Ivan Reis, Kieron Dwyer | Andrew Goldberg |
666 | Etrigan deconsecrates a church. | Hitman #19 | Garth Ennis, John McCrea | Jolene |
660 | "To me, my Galactus" | Fantastic Four #604 | Jonathan Hickman, Steve Epting | [Not mentioned.] |
673 | Liberty Belle stabbs Dyna-Man (Hitler) with a broken cosmic rod. | The Golden Age #4 | James Robinson, Paul Smith | Patrick O'Duffy |
715 | Punching someone so hard you break every bone in your own arm and then whipping your own dislocated arm across his face. | Spy x Family Ch. 85 | Tetsuya Endo | Christopher Wallace |
623 | Ikari tells Daredevil "Try the Red One." | Daredevil (2011) #25 | Mark Waid, Chris Samnee | Seth Finklestein |
623 | The Avengers have words with Ultron. | Avengers (1998) #23 | Kurt Busiek, George Perez | Josh Sinason |
691 | Nix Uotan tells Ultraman's corpse that no one fucks with the Judge of All Evil. | Final Crisis #7 | Grant Morrison, Doug Mahnke | Peter Swanson |
631 | Aztek sacrifices himself to blow up Mageddon | JLA (1997) #41 | Grant Morrison, Howard Porter | Lou Shoemaker |
666 | Batman gives Joe Chill his gun back and tells him sweet dreams. | Batman #673 | Grant Morrison, Tony Daniel | Chris Kizer |
649 | EARTH TO INVADERS: DROP DEAD! | Invasion! #1 | Keith Giffen, Bill Mantlo, Todd McFarlane | Daniel Sylvester |
684 | Tippy Toe's Plan B: Giving Squirrel Girl Mjolnir | The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up The Marvel Universe | Ryan North, Erica Henderson | Greg Packnett |
662 | Bombshell Big Barda beats Nazis to death with another Nazi. | Harley's Little Black Book #4 | Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, William "Billy" Tucci | CJ Crall |
654 | Punisher shoots a 100 year-old man in the face at his own birthday party. | Punisher (2004) #1 | Garth Ennis, Lewis Larossa | Brad Ellison |
644 | Hulk throws Blade (who cannot turn into a bat) up in the air | Immortal Hulk #47 | Al Ewing, Joe Bennett | Michael Heide |
703 | Tombstone spears Spider-Man through a window and into the next issue of the comic. | Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #58 - 59 | Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr. | Nick Whelan |
684 | Batman swoops down to fight Leviathan in the Suit of Sorrows and a prototype exoskeleton while hopped up on Man-Bat Serum. | Batman Inc. Vol. 2 #10 | Grant Morrison, Chris Burnham | Sean Bell |
Disqualified for Inadequate Rawness
Merely to prevent duplicate submissions, or encourage controversy in the fanbase:
- Gunfire turns a locomotive into a cannon to shoot a kaiju
- The time Curt Conners ate that boy?
- Magneto rips Apocalypse apart in X-Men Omega
- The time the Thing was "too stupid… and ugly… ta know when to quit!" (specifically to the Champion)
- When Magneo was gloating that "the dream is over"
- Anything from Promethea
- Anything by Joss Whedon (nobody wants to talk about that guy)